The first National Conference on Apprenticeship in Trades and Industries, held in Ottawa in 1952, recommended that the federal government be requested to cooperate with provincial and territorial apprenticeship committees and officials in preparing analyses of a number of skilled occupations. Employment and Social Development Canada (EDSC) sponsors the Red Seal Program, which, under the guidance of the CCDA, develops a national occupational standard for each of the Red Seal trades.
Standards have the following objectives:
- to describe and group the tasks performed by skilled workers;
- to identify which tasks are performed in every province and territory;
- to develop instruments for use in the preparation of Interprovincial Red Seal Examinations and assessment tools for apprenticeship and certification authorities;
- to develop common tools for apprenticeship on-the-job and technical training in Canada;
- to facilitate the mobility of apprentices and skilled workers in Canada;
- to supply employers, employees, associations, industries, training institutions and governments with analyses of occupations.
Any questions, comments, or suggestions for changes, corrections, or revisions to this standard or any of its related products may be forwarded to:
Trades and Apprenticeship Division
Labour Market Integration Directorate
Employment and Social Development Canada
140 Promenade du Portage, Phase IV, 6th Floor
Gatineau, Quebec K1A 0J9